The Centurion

Writer Author  Tim Johnson
Christian Poetry : Christianity  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer

The centurion knelt at the foot of the cross, looking up at the man hanging there.
“Surely this man was the Son Of God.”, he’d just been moved to declare.
“But what do I now with this knowledge?” he asked. “What did this day I learn?”
“What change will be wrought, what differences sought, when I to my legions return?”
“Will I follow still the orders of man, with conquest my only goal?”
“Or will my time on earth be spent affirming HIS worth? What shall be my role?”
“Oh, God, may I see a difference---and a difference be seen in my needs.”
“May I know the difference in a conqueror’s wants, and what are my brothers’ needs.”
Were these the thoughts of that soldier that day? For certain we cannot define.
But whatever the case, as we seek out His face,
May they be yours and be mine.

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State: South Carolina
Country: United States
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