God's Will For Man - Acknowledging God, And His Wondrous Works

Writer Author  Joshua Mumphrey
Christian Column : God  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Acknowledging God, how much do you actually do it? Giving God the glory for our longsuffering situations we pray about for days, weeks, months and even years is indeed important, but there are other aspects to consider as well. Sure, we are met with internal peace when the heavy burden of a troubling circumstance or situation has been lifted, but we must learn to give reverence for the insignificant things in our lives, possibly in the present state of our problems.

Praising God and giving him reverence in our time of trouble may sound strange for some, but we must learn to honor him through it all. Just as God brings an individual to a particular situation, he can in turn bring and guide you through it as well. We often focus on the magnitude of a blessing, instead of the actual sentiment and meaning of it. The connection with God and his son Christ, ultimately overcomes and outweighs our earthly problems and trials. We must seek deeper the meaning, the reason and the situation, defining Christ’s plans and purpose, written by the finger of his father.

God loves us all, young and old, big and small, rich and poor, but not the sins we commit nor the people we offend. A wise biblical scholar and leading pastor once said, “God doesn’t wishfully promote our troubling experiences, but such experiences are what he must use in such a broken world, to rebuild the Devine connection.” Such happenings sometimes encourage us to look deeper at our lives, bringing us to our senses, but ultimately closer to Christ.

This world can be cuel and unforgiving, but we must remember, God and Christ are in turn quite the opposite. They are loving and caring, forgiving all of our sins and shortcomings regardless their magnitude. The only thing God requests in return for his forgiveness and wondrous works, is for us to reverence, honor and adore him in every aspect of our lives. It’s ultimately the plan and purpose of our creation, establishing a binding tie that forever binds us to God, the father, God the Son and the Holy Sprit.

We often forget how much we owe, ignoring the simple and unseen wonders of life. Our safe journey to and from work everyday, retiring to a warm and loving family is indeed a blessing, or maybe a peaceful flight over seas reuniting with a long lost family member. These are only a few ways among many, that we so-often take for granted. There are so many who never get the chance to hold their love ones for the last time.

Life is delectate and precious, as easy as it begins, it ends. Time is indeed short and, “it is at hand,” as stated in Holy scripture, but the lessons we learn and the life we live are ultimately what shape the future we are ushered into. So when your looking back over your life and pondering the age old question, “why is this happening to me,” consider reflecting back upon these words of wisdom, acknowledging God and his wondrous works.

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State: Texas
Country: United States
Email: joshuamumphrey@aol.com
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