Vital Truth and Precepts

Writer Author  Felix Amiri
Christian Press Release : New Book  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Inspiring new book is a call to an exploration of the living truth.

Philadelphia, PA – December 6, 2008 – People live their lives caught up in the cares of everyday existence, trudging along, not really thinking about sublime things. But is this all there is? Author Felix Amiri reminds us that there is more to consider regarding the present life and future hope. In his book Vital Truth and Precepts, he dares us to think beyond the ordinary and live above mere existence!

Many disregard God, and others are misinformed about him. There is widespread digression from the truth. Vital Truth and Precepts helps address these problems and asks readers to return to God. It presents important doctrinal themes in logical and thought-provoking manner.

The topics covered include: God’s supremacy, sovereignty, and absolute attributes. God’s purpose for his creation, mankind’s fall, individual culpability, God’s grace and salvation through Jesus Christ are examined. Among the key convictions conveyed is the fact that true liberation comes only from an obedient response to the transcendent supremacy and will of God. One cannot properly glorify God without a correct understanding and application of the truth.

For some, this book may be the beginning of a long-term exploration. For others, it may serve as the encouragement to continue in their commitment to the truth.

Vital Truth and Precepts could also serve as a resource for personal or group studies. It provides useful teaching or study content for Sunday school teachers, as well as for professors and students in bible colleges and seminaries. New Christians and even people who do not confess Christ might find it helpful in understanding the Christian faith.

You may read the synopsis here.

The Author
Felix Amiri holds a certificate in Bible studies from London Baptist Bible College (now Heritage Bible College and Seminary, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada). He serves as a member of the deacons’ board and teaches adult Sunday school classes.

Vital Truth and Precepts * by Felix Amiri
A Prospector’s Primer
Publication Date: December 4, 2008
Trade Paperback; $19.99; 252 pages; 978-1-4363-8292-2
Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 252 pages; 978-1-4363-8293-9

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State: Ontario
Country: Canada
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