When You’re Gone

Writer Author  Tess Laudet
Christian Poetry : Loss  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer

Yesterday I saw you lived your life to the fullest
You were happy; the tone of your laughter was at its best
Your face was shining brightly in vivid content
Who would have known that here on earth,
You’d simply be a short time guest?

Today in the aftermath of that gruesome evening
Your loved ones, friends and I gather together
Coming in closely I gazed down on you
You are so beautiful and calm
As if you are just sleeping in the tenderness of God’s hands.

Tomorrow I have to live even in your absence
Life will keep still but I must move on
Nevertheless in one corner of my mind
I know you are happy in the presence of the Lord
An angel to look after me in my loneliness.

I will wait for the day when the roll call comes to me
And whilst waiting I shall be happy
Keeping the life trying to reap what is left behind
Though alone and without you at my sight
I will go on till in the end I shall meet you again.

Editor's Comment:

About the Writer Author
State: Sydney
Country: Australia
Email: tlaudet@hotmail.com
Profile:  Click here!

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