If I Will Have To Go

Writer Author  Tess Laudet
Christian Poetry : Encouragement  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer

If I will have to go,
If it's time to depart,
From this beautiful world,
You and I did our part,
I will take the pleasure
To beacon what God's will
As I know further there
Is a better place to stay.

If I will have to go,
I'm hoping for the strength
To stand before the Lord
And delight at his grace.
I will raise up my hands
And submit all I've done
Whether rightful or err
I'm sure he'll understand.

If I will have to go
I will leave you my love,
The length of times we spent
With you I shall bestow
Let those good memories
Linger without an end
To fill my heart abound
And with me I will bring.

The only thing I ask
Is that you may accept
That our life here on earth
Is simply just a bridge
To connect us with God
As we come to the end
Beyond there he awaits
The promised life he keeps.

When I'm joined with my Lord
I will gaze at his face
I will bend down my knees
And worship at his feet,
Remembering how come
Despite the wrongs I've done
He forgave me by grace
And my sins now are gone.

The heaven opens wide
Welcoming me with light
That does not hurt at all
Though it is very bright
Just like the noontime sun
High up above the sky
The mist surrounding me
As I follow the light.

The time has come for me
To leave you in this world
The time is far enough
Yet as if it's too soon
But then our Lord is fair
He gave me all the chance
To live my life in full
And with him by my side.

I am happy to go
With no regrets in heart
As I know fully well
I have done what was right
When I accepted Jesus
I knew then I've been cleansed
And now I’m on my way
To what I consider ...my new home.

Editor's Comment:

About the Writer Author
State: Sydney
Country: Australia
Email: tlaudet@hotmail.com
Profile:  Click here!

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