My Expression Of Love

Writer Author  Jerry Lee Kay Sr.
Christian Poetry : Healing  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer The sons rays broke the cloak of darkness that lay across this man,
Then you reached out and gently took my hand.

And with gentleness you pulled me close to thee,
And this is how I pray it will forever be.

When I looked upon your face,
I knew that very moment that I found my place.

For in your arms love and dreams are fulfilled when I'm in your loving care,
When I'm with you a lifetime and ages to come I'll always be able to share.

Never has love been so perfect and filled with sweet tenderness,
In the still of the night I hear your call to me and I am filled with happiness.

You held my hand when I was too weak to walk and took me to the beautiful Meadow,
and I felt the suns rays bathing me in all of its golden glory,
Your call in the night takes me back to that wonderful place, please help me to tell my story.

You will always be with me in all the things that I do,
And my Lord, my Savior I will always, yes always Love you.

Jerry Lee Kay Sr

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State: Texas
Country: United States
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