The Weaver

Writer Author  Jerry Lee Kay Sr.
Christian Article : Holy Spirit  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer I am Shepherd of dark hills late and soon, woo’er of souls, baptizer of desire. My heart is full, flourishing wi’ love. I am strength, I am wisdom, I am manna, I am shield, I am the river of life.

I weave peace to your soul as patterns of both silver and gold….I am the Weaver.

Yea!..When ye pass o’er shadowed water, I will be a bridge in the night. I weave righteous paths of love and peace. I am council, comfort, bearer of the torch, guide through strife. I will be your fountain from the mountain of God, I am elixir for life, I fill mystery and infinity of things eternal…I am the Weaver.

Grieve me not wi’ silly games nor childish behaviour, Join not wi’ voices of wandering winds moanin for rest, but rest can’t find. Satan walketh abroad in the wind as a feeble moan, a roar, a sob, a storm, a strife, as voices and winds of carnal life…

Come away with me, My heart is full pining for love of thee. Come to my secret place where true love abides with the warmth of my embrace.

Tis My realm..where gravity leaves not a trace, it’s yonder, the land of Grace.

I Am earth, I am sky, I am sun, I am flowing river, I am rainbow, I am the spirit of the wind. I am the tree of life to those who take hold of it and happy are those who support it…It’s ways are pleasant ways and all its paths are peace.

I am true to the way, the truth, and the life. Any man that cometh unto me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. Abide with me, take me for your lover. I Am the spirit of the weaver..I Am Holy Spirit.

God Bless You

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Country: United States
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