Song Of The Butterfly

Writer Author  Twana Lawler
Christian Poetry : Salvation  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Listen to the song of the butterfly
All alone in the dark
Wondering when I will make my mark
When will I spread my wings and begin to fly
This is the song of a butterfly

Wrapped tight in a dark cocoon
Wondering if light is coming soon
When will I spread my wings and begin to fly
This is the song of a butterfly

As Jesus sacrificed his life for our sins
Some butterflies do the same for their friends
When will I spread my wings and begin to fly
This is the song of a butterfly
This is the song of a butterfly

He saved our souls so we can see
That life is ours for eternity
When will I spread my wings and begin to fly
This is the song of a butterfly

I am now out of the darkness and into the light
He gave me life so I can live right
My wings are spread wide, far and apart
It should been His will that I was living from the start
I now can spread my wings and I now can fly
This is the song of a butterfly
This is the song of a butterfly

Friends did you all now that some butterflies are poisonous and when animals eat them, they get very sick. What that particular family of butterfly does is sacrifice their own lives to save the lives of the other butterflies. By them doing this, animals will not bother that particular family of butterflies. My friends this reminds me somewhat of Jesus and how He sacrificed His life for us. He sacrificed His precious life for all of us, so the devil cannot devour us. It is similar to the beautiful butterfly that is eaten by that animal and the only thing that the butterfly has on his mind is to save his family. Jesus died for our sins so that we may have everlasting life. God sent Jesus to the world not to condemn the world, but that the world may be saved through Jesus. That butterfly gave the other butterflies safety, just like Jesus gives our hearts, lives and souls safety. So that my friend’s is why the butterfly sings.

How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Divine words written by Twana Lawler
© 2003 by Twana Lawler

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