Rays of Son - Dreams always come true in the Land of Real Reality

Writer Author  Greg Miller
Christian Column : Inspirational  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Nothing was imaginary in the Land of Real Reality.

By the age of 21, every resident, through grit, guts, goal-setting, and self-respect, owned his or her own business. By the age of 30, most citizens owned their own homes (paid for with cash) and had started their own families.

A Dream Come True was not only the norm but the expectation. Governments were not allowed to interfere in the initiation or fulfillment of a dream. The Dream King shut down any government agency for actions that were deemed to cause harm to the fulfillment of a dream.

The Dream King was the unofficial encourager of dreams. When someone discussed a dream with him, the dream always came true. Residents of the Land of Real Reality gave the Dream King the nickname of “Solomon” because his wisdom almost matched that of the Old Testament king whose wisdom was legendary.

The Dream King tried to accommodate everyone, so he accepted clients on both a walk-in and appointment basis. “My duty is to serve the people and God to the best of my ability,” he reasoned.

On one cold, windy, snowy winter afternoon, Old Joe entered the Dream King’s modest dwelling. The Dream King motioned for Old Joe to sit in the home’s most comfortable chair. Old Joe thanked him for his hospitality, sat down and began drinking a steaming cup of hot chocolate.

“I have a dream…I guess everyone who comes here has a dream,” Old Joe said. “And I need a little encouragement.”

“What’s your dream?,” asked the Dream King.

“Well,“ said Old Joe, “I’m 75 years old, and ever since I was a little boy I have wanted to preach the gospel in a church…”

The Dream King was in such a hurry to encourage Old Joe that he interrupted the elderly gentleman before he finished sharing his dream. “I’m the pastor of the First Church of the Land of Real Reality,” said the Dream King. “Would you like to preach there this Sunday at 11 a.m.?”

“Thanks Pastor Dream King,” said Old Joe. “I’ll be there.”

“We’ll have a covered-dish lunch in your honor,” said the Dream King.

“Say, Pastor Dream King, can I finish telling you about my dream?”

“I’m sorry, Old Joe, I thought you were finished a few moments ago,” said the Dream King.

“Ever since I was a little boy I have wanted to preach the gospel in every church in the Land of Real Reality,” said Old Joe.

“Every church?,” asked the Dream King. “I can give you plenty of encouragement today, but if you want me to help you get speaking engagements in all 2,000 churches, you’ll have to come back tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow?,” asked Old Joe.

“Yes,” laughed the Dream King. “I’ll need a little time to e-mail all 2,000 pastors. This is the Land of Real Reality, not the Land of Miracles!”

Editor's Comment:

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State: Tennessee
Country: United States
Email: kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com
Profile:  Click here!

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