The Master's Tools - The How-To Manual
Writer Author April Boyer
Christian Column
- Fiction No
With every new appliance, kid's toy or bicycle, or technical gadget, there comes a set of instructions or a owner's guide. For the first time tool handler or home repair job, many how- to books are available. Some of us are adept at using tools and at managing repair jobs because we read the guides. Some need only look at the instruction manual as they go along. Others ignore the book altogether and dive into the job without a clue. We all learn something. Some are hands on learners, and some are educated well - by reading.
Hands on learning can be tough, let me tell you. For those who must learn about life by applying experience first, it is even tougher. There's been many occasions in my life when I dove into a job without glancing at the handbook, thinking I already knew what was needed. I made messes of those situations every time.
God supplies an instruction manual to save us some blows to the seat of learning. He advises us, warns us against pitfalls and admonishes us when we try a task our way anyway.
We can avoid many mangled jobs if we would just take the time to read what God has to say about it in his handbook. We wouldn't be hurt nearly as often, wouldn't hurt others, and could save a lot of patching and cleaning up.
Some jobs require a step by step education with a book in one hand and, - life's tools in the other. Even when this happens, we can have some fore knowledge acquired from the training manual. It could be a job we've done before, or something that changes frequently, but perhaps has the same construction.
Some of God's jobs for us are that way. Our commission for Him is to seek to lead others to Him. Same foundation- same application of love. But different for every person we meet, and every situation in which they fit. We will use the same tools, however. Prayer. Faith. Faith comes from knowing the author of our handbook. Knowing him, comes from knowing the word.
In developing an organization or a group, the founding application may always be the same; that of love, sharing, encouragement and education. But the people and the situations will change.
It's my desire to use the tried and true tools- prayer and faith, and to rely on the original handbook- God's word, as our group's people and needs change. I hope you will always remember to use the best instruction manual you can find, and the tools that go with it.
Pray. Faith. Know God. Just follow the instructions, and the job will get done.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto your own understanding, In all they ways acknowledge him and he shall direct they paths. Proverbs 3:5,6
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