What about Evolution?

Writer Author  Sylvia Huffnagle
Christian Article : Bible Teaching  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Evolution is a real process. Does that surprise some of you--that an adamant believer of the Gospel would say that? Let me explain.

I’ll start with Dan: 4:33: The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds' claws.

Evolution is not only by intelligent design; it is also by a loving God. Let’s look at how it works.

The account above tells of evolution’s benefits that this loving God designed. Because Nebuchadnezzar had to live in the field and eat grass his body adjusted and he developed what was needed to survive. Feathers and bird claws evolved. This is not a case for the atheistic theory of evolution--it is a case for a loving God who has provided adaptation.

What happens to an unattended field? It grows over with weeds, thorns, and nettles. But if an intelligent loving being cares for it, it evolves into a place bountiful in blessings.

What happens to a house that is left uncared for? It gradually deteriorates and eventually falls apart. This goes for cars and everything that has been created by man. It takes man caring about it to keep it in good repair. If neglected, things waste away to nothing. It could be said that they evolve into junk. The evidence is substantial.

What happens to a house that is lovingly and intelligently designed and built? It gradually evolves into a beautiful, functional home.

Children, when raised by caring parents, evolve into useful contributing adults. What would happen to a child if there were no intelligent being and no nurturing in its life? It would evolve into a mess. It would take loving people many years to help it evolve into someone who can function well.

The human body grows and by the time it reaches adulthood all the equipment required for it to function correctly has evolved. It could not be an accident that the things needed for adulthood are there at the right time.

What is wrong with the theory of evolution is not evolution, but the mentally defective idea that something could evolve into something better without the design and help of a caring being.

I think the reason Darwin thought evolution was something that just happens is because he did not understand that God created everything good and placed it where He purposed that it should be and function. When sin came into the world, everything changed. Sin caused perversion in God’s creation. It caused death to God’s creation. After the flood weather extremes came in and caused hardship. A loving God helped the plants and animals and people adapt to their surroundings the same way as it described what happed to Nebuchadnezzar.

Sylvia Huffnagle

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State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Email: huffnagl@verizon.net
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