Kin of the Blood

Writer Author  Jerry Lee Kay Sr.
Christian Article : Christian Living  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer I once pastored a church that was falling down and financially busted, some times when I stood on the platform I had to dodge the raindrops if it was raining. It was cold in the winter and hot in the summer (no a/c). It was a small country church of mostly retired folks living on social security. When I first went there I was an evangelist preaching revivals and a friend was the pastor. They were unable to afford a well known Revivalist so Poppa went on a regular basis to break the Bread of Life and fellowship with a great bunch of folks. They were as important to God as those that were blessed with big bucks. You may wonder why they didn't close it up and go to a larger church with more finances, the answer is, there were no other churches in that area. I'm talking country! I was asked many times by fellow ministers why I wasted my time going there for nothing, when I could be out in the larger churches making a name for myself...Oh'Me! Why does someone have to always make those kind of statements? That was like saying sic em to a bulldog! Someday I'll tell you more of that adventure, one thing about it, if you are available, the Holy Spirit will take you on one adventure after another. Amen?

My home was about 75miles away and it wasn't that much trouble to go there, and besides the pastor there was my best friend; we were the ones that got Teen Challenge started in Houston,Texas so we had been together a long time. When I say, got Teen Challenge started, I am talking about, Joseph and I were down on the streets together. There were a few glory boy preachers and pastors that liked to be on the news, but I can only remember one time that I ever had any come down to the trenches, and that was one preacher, he stayed about an hour and said this is not for me. Joseph and I were on the streets day and night 7 days a week and from time to time we spoke in local churches trying to raise funds for that ministry. In other words, we were very close!

One day, Joseph said, "I gotta do something about this church building Poppa Padre, will you help me?". (a nickname given me by the street people). Joseph is a very tall, full blooded Irishman, with red hair, a full beard and very reserved personality. Many said they could not understand how we became such good friends, we are so different in our ways. Yep! Poppa was guilty of dancing on the streets more than once! Joseph  doesn't say much, but when he talks, you feel the anointing, even in a hug or a handshake. I knew when he asked me for help the Holy Spirit was about to take us on another adventure. However folks, Poppa will tell you in a heartbeat, I wouldn't take anything for the many precious memories on this journey!
So we managed to get the funds we needed to tear the old building down, build a new modern sanctuary and classrooms for Sunday school with a/c and the whole nine yards. The best part is we did it and left the church debt free. I am sure you realize all the Glory and the credit belongs to Abba Father.
Before the project was completely finished the Holy Spirit called Joseph to the mission field and Poppa took on the role of Pastor, and so the adventure continued. I stayed there as pastor for a few years until the church was well established and we attracted a good shepherd for them.
Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss....1 Thessalonians 5:25-27
Throughout Paul's writings in the New Testament, he uses the word "brethren" when he writes to the churches. This word comes from the Greek word adelphos, which is one of the oldest words in the New Testament. In the King James Version, it is usually translated as the word "brethren." However, it actually has a much deeper meaning than this.
In its very oldest sense, the word adelphos ("brother") was used by physicians in the medical world to describe two people who were born from the same womb. So when the early Greeks addressed each other as "brethren," they meant to convey the idea: "You and I are brothers! We came out of the same womb of humanity. We have the same feelings; we have similar emotions; and we deal with the same problems in life. In every respect, we are truly brothers!" Somehow I am at a loss of words here, because over the years I have worked with many women that are my "brethren" as much as the men I've known. So when Poppa says "brethren" he is including "sisthrens". The ladies of that church were the backbone that kept the thing operating.
In part, this was Paul's thinking when he addressed his readers as "brethren." By using this terminology, he brought himself right down to the level of his readers to identify with their position in life and with their personal struggles and victories. They were truly brothers - born from the womb of God, related by the blood of Jesus Christ, and members of the same spiritual family.
But the word "brethren" also had another very significant meaning during New Testament times, a meaning that it doesn't have in our world today. It was used during the time of Alexander the Great to describe faithful soldiers. These fighting men were true brothers, and partners who were united to fight the same fight, handle the same weapons, and win the same wars!
From time to time, Alexander the Great would hold huge public ceremonies where he would give awards to soldiers who had gone the extra mile in battle. When the most coveted awards were given, Alexander the Great would beckon the most faithful soldiers on stage to stand next to him. Before an audience of adoring soldiers, Alexander would embrace each faithful soldier and publicly declare, "Alexander the Great is proud to be the brother of this soldier!" That word "brother" was this same Greek word adelphos, but in this instance, it referred to military men who were brothers in battle. This was the highest and greatest compliment that could be given to a soldier during the time of Alexander the Great.
Thus, to be a "brother" meant that a person was as "Blood Kin". Through the thick and thin of battle, these soldiers stood together, achieving a special level of brotherhood known only by those who stay united together in the heat of the fray. This was also part of what Paul had in mind when he wrote to the Early Church. When Paul called his fellow Christians "brothers," he was telling them: "In addition to being blood brothers, we are all in a similar fight, slugging it out against the same enemy - and this common fight makes us "Kin of the Blood"...."
I'm sure that Paul's readers were probably struggling in their personal lives, just as we do today, but they hadn't given up the fight. They were still on the front lines, slugging it out and plodding along, one step at a time. They were the kind of believers who are worth knowing and worthy to be called brothers because they possessed an ongoing commitment to stay faithful in the battle and committed to the cause.
No matter how well or how badly these believers were doing in the midst of their fight, at least they were still fighting! Others had given up, but they had not. As long as they remained faithful to the fight and refused to relinquish their stand of faith, Paul viewed them as exceptionally fine soldiers - the kind of soldiers anyone would be happy to associate with!
Some years ago in a small village in the Midwest, a little twelve-year old girl named Terri was babysitting her little brother. Terri walked outside to check the mail. As she turned back from the mailbox, she couldn't believe her eyes. The house was on fire. So very quickly the little house was enveloped in flames. Terri ran as fast as she could into the flaming house only to find her baby brother trapped by a burning rafter which had fallen and pinned him to the floor. Hurriedly, Terri worked to free her brother. She had trouble getting him loose as the flames were dancing around their heads. Finally, she freed him. She picked him up and quickly took him outside and revived him just as the roof of the house caved in.  By this time, firemen were on the scene and the neighbors had gathered outside the smoldering remains of the house. The neighbors had been too frightened to go inside or to do anything to help, and they were tremendously impressed with the courage of the twelve-year old girl. They congratulated her for her heroic efforts and said, "Terri, you are so very brave. Weren't you scared? What were you thinking when you ran into the burning house?" I love Terri's answer. She said, "I wasn't thinking about anything. I just heard my brother crying." 
Let me ask you something? How long has it been? How long has it been since you heard your brother or sister crying? How long has it been since you stopped and did something about it?.. Sometimes your brother may be crying from a much deeper need than is visible to the naked eye!
A story appeared years ago in the Christian Reader. It was called "Priceless Scribbles." It concerns a father who touched his child's life in an unexpected way. A young boy watched as his father walked into the living room. The boy noticed that his younger brother, John, began to cower slightly as his father entered. The older boy sensed that John had done something wrong. Then he saw from a distance what his brother had done. The younger boy had opened his father's brand new hymnal and scribbled all over the first page with a pen.
Staring at their father fearfully, both brothers waited for John's punishment. Their father picked up his prized hymnal, looked at it carefully and then sat down, without saying a word. Books were precious to him; he was a minister with several academic degrees. For him, books were knowledge. What he did next was remarkable, says the author of this story. Instead of punishing his brother, instead of scolding, or yelling, his father took the pen from the little boy's hand, and then wrote in the book himself, alongside the scribbles that John had made. Here is what that father wrote: "John's work, 1959, age 2. How many times have I looked into your beautiful face and into your warm, alert eyes looking up at me and thanked God for the one who has now scribbled in my new hymnal. You have made the book sacred, as have your brother and sister to so much of my life."
"Wow," thought the older brother, "This is punishment?" The author of the story, now an adult, goes on to say how that hymnal became a treasured family possession, how it was tangible proof that their parents loved them, how it taught the lesson that what really matters is . . . people . . . not objects . . . not judgment . . . not anger . . . but patience and love.
The word "brother" emphatically declares that it's not really how well you fight in life that counts. What really counts is that you keep on fighting! So don't give up on yourself, and don't give up on those believers around you who seem to be struggling. As long as they keep on trying, as long as they stay in the battle . . . they're worthy of your friendship! You should be proud to be associated with people of such a spiritual caliber!
After all, they are "Kin of the Blood".
God Bless You

Editor's Comment:

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State: Texas
Country: United States
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