The Bride Will Be the One Riding A Camel - Part 5
Writer Author Jerry Lee Kay Sr.
Christian Article
Bible Teaching
- Fiction No
I am teaching on Matthew Fourteen: This is part 5
We are in an uncultivated desert place; the masses are seeking Jesus to receive the pure unadulterated word of God. Jesus had come to this place with His disciples for a time of rest, however He was overwhelmed with compassion and His need for rest was swallowed up in the needs of the people, both physical and spiritual. He spent the entire day ministering to their needs, healing the sick and teaching them many things. The darkness of the hour was falling quickly and the multitude was in real need of nourishment. In the previous parts of my offering I stated that many times we pass over scriptures much too quickly and miss some of the treasures that are tucked therein. I also stated that I believe the same anointing that was upon the Master that day is available to His body of believers today. You ask, Poppa how do you know that? The answer is… I know it because my knower told me so!... I am convinced that all the actions of Jesus are exhaustless fountains of revelation, and they lift the veil to let us look into the depths of His nature. I am convinced His actions no matter how small they may seem are not only history, but are also prophetic of what He will do. Now let us begin to watch this beautiful teaching from the Master, and His every action, as He fed the multitude that day. ? ?The disciples came to Him, they were wore out and hungry, and the masses were in need. I hear some pastors, evangelists and missionaries today saying, we are tired, the darkness is upon us and “we don't have” what it will take to meet the needs of the people, we are going to have to send them away! Dear neighbor, I have to bite my lip. I want to preach so bad I can hardly stand it… awe! Me-thinks I shall for just a bit.
Here comes that scripture again, “For to be carnally minded is death” the dictionary defines carnal as such, “of the flesh, material, or worldly” o’ my! Poppa are you saying the preachers (disciples) were carnal? That is exactly what I am saying! As hard as it may seem they were forgetting momentarily who they were working for and with. A word of caution here, if those that were walking day after day in the presence of the Master could have stinking thinking, what makes you think a preacher now days can't do the same? 1st John 4:1 is very clear when he said, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world”. We are living in a time when we send those in need away from the church to psychologists for counseling and widows and children are on welfare and still living in poverty. I once met an elderly widow and her home was literally falling down around her. She was barely able to walk, didn't have any transportation, had not been to church in over ten years and no one ever came by to offer a ride. However the pastor of her church came by every month and collected her tithes, driving his new Cadillac and never offering to help her with repairs. That dear friend is carnal as drunkenness. Poppa approached the pastor of another church not even the same denomination, took him with me to visit and 60 days later she was sitting in a home with a new roof, new porch, fresh paint inside and out and shouting Glory to God! You say Poppa our pastor doesn't have time to do that kind of stuff, I say, read the 6th chapter of Acts, it tells you how they handled it, and Bless God they handled it! That is what the Elders of the church are supposed to be about.
Sounds to me like what is needed here is a good old fashioned outpouring of the Holy Ghost! You say you can't meet the needs of the people, then, more than likely you need a serious refreshing of what you had when you were in your first love. No sir you will never be able to meet the needs of the people, but the one called Jesus can meet those needs. If you can't meet their spiritual needs then once again you need to go back to the supply. “Tic Toc” There is darkness falling round about and the well is deep but you do have something to draw with. Amen! And the water that you will draw will be as a well of living water springing up into everlasting life. I'm talking about with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. I'm talking about the church! The Bride of Christ here! Help me Jesus….I came here to teach! The number one psychologist in the world is the Holy Spirit of God. If He can't meet the need of the people they can't be helped. I hear you saying you don't know what you're talking about Poppa, you're a fanatic. I studied Psychology in Bible College and I can tell you without backing up one inch, it is good training for learning to deal with all the idiosyncrasies in people, but the Holy Spirit will need to deal with the problems. And Bless God the church should be the vessel to introduce them to the Holy Spirit. If the church is a “New Testament Church” it doesn’t need… outside help… for anything. AMEN! God can, and will, heal a messed up mind as quick as He will heal a broken heart. Beloved if the church isn’t in that business, then it is nothing more than a bless me social club! And we need to quit calling it one!
Jesus said it “Yesterday, He is saying it today, and He will be saying it Forever” “They need not Depart; Give Ye them to eat”… and the preacher said we don’t have what it will take to feed them, all we have is five loaves and two fishes. Beloved that’s all Jesus was waiting to hear…Now listen to the Master… “Bring them hither to Me”… “Take ‘My’ Yoke upon you”! OH’ Glory to God!
It is imperative that we see the teaching of this part of the miracle. We are the end time church, and until we come to grips with the fact that only through the ministry of the Holy Spirit will we accomplish the goals of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We must move ourselves out of the way and get into the ‘Way’. What are you talking about Poppa? Proverbs 14:12 said… ”There is a ‘way’ which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ‘way’ of death”. I am talking about Spiritual death here! Jesus said…”I am the ‘way’, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” There is a church in Houston that has been there so many years I cannot remember how long, maybe 75-80 years. A church mighty in the power of the Holy Spirit, once had a thousand members on fire for God. I visited a while back and maybe there were fifty people there. I was shocked until I heard the preacher deliver his message. I couldn’t stand it and left before he was finished. I listened to him for an hour and a half, and when I got to the parking lot I began weeping and I wept all the way home. I had in previous years been in revival in that place. He was off somewhere in left field about political and historical junk and never mentioned God, the saving power of the Blood of the Lamb, much less the Holy Ghost in all of his rambling.
Many ministers are afraid of the name Holy Ghost, they are worried they will be pegged a radical. Let me assure you, the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit are one and the same. If there was ever a time we needed radicals, it is now, and they need to stand up and be identified! Amen? The sign out front said they were going to have a Holy Ghost chicken supper right after the service and I reckon he was giving the cooks plenty of time to get the chicken done! I don’t think that’s what Jesus meant when He said, “They need not depart; Give Ye them to eat”.
I later talked with the pastor of that church and, he asked me why I left, I told him straight out it was not a service that was conducive to the Spiritual growth of the church. “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s”. I have been around too long to put myself through such nonsense. The church is not the place to be used for your political opinions. He asked me to come another time because he had been out on the golf course all that day and didn’t have enough time to prepare a sermon.
Beloved let me set your mind at ease, I am not teaching a negative message, I am teaching the “WAY” of the Holy Spirit. “They were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.” That same Holy Spirit is operating on this earth today! Let me clarify, I am not teaching any one denomination or doctrine, I am talking about the power of God that is available to us no matter where you break the bread of Life!... The ministry of the Holy Spirit was sent to produce, to impart Jesus Christ the “WAY” into the life of the Redeemed, and that He will do if we move out… of our way and Into His Way.
Jesus told His disciples to show Him what they had to work with, they said, all we have is five loaves of barley bread and two fishes, and there is no way to feed this multitude with it. He said, “Bring them hither to Me. “
And He commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass. Mark said, “On the green grass”, and they sat down in companies of hundreds and by fifties. What? Sounds like Jesus knew exactly what He was doing; sounds organized to me. He had them set down, probably so they wouldn’t be running all over the top of one another, and if He was going to be able to minister to them they needed to get still, that speaks volumes in itself! Amen?
What are you saying Poppa? I am saying emphatically! If you want to receive the “Manna from the Master” you are going to have to get still and give up some non-essential junk. Jesus sat them down on green grass for comfort, not on rocks and dirt; He wanted them to be comfortable and organized! Help me Lord! I could teach on that for a month or two. If you are truly seeking Him, He is compassionate about you and will take care of your needs.
The lesson in this letter is to show us that, no one, not even the disciples can do it themselves. When you go through a time of Spiritual hunger and are in a desert place… notice I did not say, “if” you go through such a place… for truly you shall, unless you’re not doing anything, those that do not fight a battle on occasion, are probably following the line of least resistance! If you are in the harness you will have times that by Faith you must, be still before Him, Trust Him, Wait on Him. Isaiah 40:31 says it best, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint”.
In part three of this series I spoke of the Apostle Paul and his statement that his greatest desire was to “Know Him.” The disciples, at least on this occasion, had that lesson yet to learn. In the original language of the New Testament there are two words for 'knowing' or 'knowledge' or 'to know'. They are used all the way through the New Testament. ??One of these words has the meaning of knowledge by information; it is more the knowledge which comes by study, or researching, it is knowledge about things, or people, etc. The other word carries the meaning of personal experience, intimate and inward knowledge. Sometimes there is a prefix which gives the meaning of "full knowledge" (epi). The second of these words and meanings is what Paul is using here: 'That I may have the knowledge of Him which is by personal experience by living, firsthand, and having a personal relationship with Him.'??That kind of “knowing” you can’t get from the realm of theory, the intellect, and being taught at Bible College. It is the result and effect of an act of the Holy Spirit within. That is why Paul links with this knowledge "the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings". It is a powerful knowledge that is born of deep experience. And this kind of knowledge is the only real knowledge of Christ! It is planted deep into the inner life of the Spirit of man. ??Paul also said he wanted to not only know Jesus intimately but also in “The power of his resurrection." I am sure that in this statement he is confident of knowing Him in the future, that is, at the finish line in glory, however we need to understand that in each of these statements Paul is talking not only of the future…… But of this present life also…… Even in the next verse, where he speaks of attaining to the "resurrection from among the dead", he is thinking primarily of present… spiritual and moral resurrection. He had known something of this power already. His conversion was like that. Again and again, in what he called… "Deaths oft"… he had experienced it. (Second Corinthians 1:9; Acts 14:19-20). Beloved I hope Poppa is able to make this clear. I am talking about resurrection from the Spiritual death that so dominates this world. And we need it on a daily basis… Nay, me-thinks on an hourly basis!
The preachers (disciples) on that day learned a lesson that is good for you and I even in our generation. We cannot do it! Jesus can do it! And we must die out to our way of doing things; we must die out to self and be resurrected unto His life His way. And then we will be able to say as the master said, “They need not depart, we shall give them to eat. Bring them hither to us” AMEN!??Resurrection power and life ‘is’ the real knowledge of Christ. This is how we know Him, and this is available for every believer. That we may walk in the Spirit. It is for our endurance, for overcoming, for fulfillment of ministry, for keeping the Lord's testimony in the world; for every need which demands it in relation to the interest of Christ. It puts life on a supernatural plain. It is the power of His resurrection, the greatest miracle in history. And that which gives us the strength to be effective as we run this race……Continued.
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