Who's Going To Win?

Writer Author  Sylvia Huffnagle
Christian Article : Bible Teaching  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Of those who are going through tests and trials, who’s going to win?
Not all those who think they are going to heaven.
Not all those who believe they have covenant with God.
Not all those who are born again.
Not all those who believe that Jesus is the Christ.
Not all those who go to church every week.

Who’s going to win? Those who trust and obey God will win.
Obedience is not just not committing adultery.
It’s not just, not taking the Lord’s name in vain.
It’s not just, being kind and forgiving.

Trusting and obeying God, in context of winning or as Jesus puts it in His letters in Rev: 2-3, overcoming is for those who follow all of God’s instructions for winning.

This means putting on the full armor of God. Eph: 6
This means meditating on the Word. Prov: 3:20-27, Eph: 6:14
This means protecting your heart. Prov: 4 esp. Vs: 23
This means keeping the right company. Ps: 1, Prov: 13:19, Gal: 5:7-9
This means staying in Jesus’ camp, not the enemy’s. (Avoid feeding the carnal nature and feed the spirit.) Jn: 15, Rom: 13:14
This means confessing God’s promises and avoiding speaking your fears brought on by the enemy attacking your mind.
This means doing battle at all times. With every onslaught, you must make sure your armor is in place and use it.
This means lifting your hands and praising the Lord for the victory before it is manifest.
This means receiving and using God’s gift spoken of in Isa: 61:1-3--the anointing.
This means praying always with all prayer and supplication. Eph: 6:18. Phil: 4:4-9
This means having done all, to stand.

Sylvia Huffnagle

Editor's Comment:

About the Writer Author
State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Email: huffnagl@verizon.net
Website: www.straightpaths.truepath.com/about4.html
Profile:  Click here!

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