Right Standing With Christ

Writer Author  Jacqui Julyan
Christian Article : Prophetic  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Whilst we were yet sinners and helpless Christ died for us. We have done nothing and do nothing to earn the privilege of belonging to Christ. It is not what we do or have done. It counts as absolutely nothing. If you were to be sat for all eternity doing nothing but believed in your heart that Jesus died for your sins and rose again so you could be raised to life with Him, you are made righteous. It is all to do with what Christ did for you and not what you do or can do for Him. We in ourselves are helpless totally and utterly and would have remained so had Jesus not shed his blood on the cross for your sins.

Many rush around doing this and that in My name it is worthless. Unless I am Lord, Head of your life and have told you to do or not to do something then your works of self-righteous are as filthy rags to Me.

Many go where I have not sent you. Many rush into places where even My angels fear to tred. I have to go before you. I have to be your Head.

The body you call ‘church’ is not Mine! You have chopped off My Head. You are headless chickens running around blinded. You cannot feed yourselves because I am the Bread of Life.

Many will not stand in these last days as your self-righteousness are as filthy rags in my sight. You are not clothed in white. I am the Robe of Righteousness. I am your Covering. I am your Head. I am the Giver of Life. I intercede to the Father through My blood alone shed for you. This is your Covering. This is your Righteousness. This is your Salvation. This is your Peace. This is your Breastplate. This is the only thing that covers ALL sin. I do not distinguish one sin from another ALL IS SIN. ALL have fallen short and need My Blood as their Covering. Believe in the One whom the Father sent. If you have seen Me then you have seen the Father.

Any form of self, self-dependence, self-righteousness, is a delusion for everything comes from Me. Your very existence comes from Me.

You fill the gaps from My Word because you do not understand, nor do you seek wisdom and understanding from Me. You assume much from my Silence. I am silent for many reasons. I wait to see who will wait. I wait to see how impatient you are for sin is always crouching at the door. Self is always looking for ways to move forward and do it yourself. Not by Might nor by Power but by My Spirit alone! Even the angels in the heavens do my bidding only when I tell them.

Do you not know have you not heard that I created all things, all creatures? Man has become the beast of all beasts. Even the crocodile’s one of My most fearsome creatures is more tender-hearted and loving towards their young those belonging to them and those adopted.

Truly many are the children of the devil and represent his image of corruption. The spoiler has spilt his venom upon you and you have drunk it. You have drunk the wine of debauchery, dragging your children around as toys filling their heads, my innocent children with the devils words.

Which words do you choose to speak today?

Many wombs are pregnant with evil; even as I speak the one destined to bring the great fall of mankind is in the womb. It is protected by scientists and will be heralded in as the anti-Christ. The new messiah.

They have plotted and planned. I have watched and waited and it will be unleashed upon this earth.

Even the monkeys know their rightful place in the animal kingdom, for this is where they belong in the animal kingdom, not some myth created by satan saying man and woman are from monkeys! It takes more faith to believe that! All the creatures I formed were for you to have dominion over. You were to live with them for your enjoyment and pleasure as I created you in our image for My pleasure. But you have rejected Me and all that I have made for you. Animals will now turn against you too. Yes even animals are accountable to Me for any deaths upon humans. All living breathing things are Mine! Created for My Glory.

Oh the perverseness of man has truly reached both to the highest heavens in the universe and to the depths of the deepest abyss called hell which too has many levels of depravity. Man has both ascended himself above Me and kept home in the dark recesses with the devil. Truly I say to you, you do not know what you are playing with.

Even, I, the Father of all did not spare My Son from facing satan and He was with the most Holy Spirit. He was tormented, so how much more you who play around with the unseen enemy. He plays games with you.

I tell you the Truth, only those standing right in Jesus, who is your ONLY COVERING will survive. The gates of hell which are now to be open, for you have opened them! You have opened the gates of hell wider as sin continues to grow and grow.

You have no need of Me. You have no need of Jesus, yet you have no idea what you have unleashed.

Oh My children, what have you done. What have you done, you are undone! You know not what you do!

Woe, Woe, Woe, why do you not listen?

Woe, Woe, Woe, I cannot bear to look.

Fast and pray. Fast and pray. Fast and pray.

The Heavens declare the Glory of the Lord, yet you look not upwards. Your eyes are cast down scrambling for scraps upon the refuse you call earth, for that is what it is now a refuse, a rubbish heap. Broken toys, broken dreams, everything is broken. It is unfixable. All creation groans at the refuse building up from under the oceans and the earth. The earth has become a heap of rubble and you cannot see it. It is before your very eyes and you think you, man can fix it. You cannot. This earth will pass away and a new heaven and a new earth is to come. YES JESUS IS THE WAY THE TRUTH THE LIFE. YES THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS YOUR ONLY COVERING FOR SIN AND IT IS FREE TO ALL. NO INTEREST!

See, Jesus, He is seated at the right hand of the Father. See I raised Him to Life.

There is nothing you can do for Jesus. He has done it and you have to believe, repent and be baptised with a sincere heart and turn away from the world completely and turn to God. This is the only way. My Kingdom is not of this world! Listen again turn away from the world MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS EARTH! MY KINGDOM IS FROM ABOVE. READ THE SCRIPTURES. UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.

You have made idols of the church, the bible. JESUS IS RISEN. JESUS SENT HIS HOLY SPIRIT TO BE IN YOU WITH YOUR HEART MADE OF FLESH NOT STONE. Jesus is the only testimony.

Believe in the One I sent. Believe, Repent, be Baptized in my Sons name Jesus and I will wash you clean with the BLOOD OF THE LAMB SHED FOR YOU AT CALVARY.


shofar girl
humble servant of Jesus

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

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State: Cornwall
Country: England
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