The True Love of God

Writer Author  Sylvia Huffnagle
Christian Article : Apologetics  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Obama and those of his persuasion do not know God. They have no inkling of what He is about.
They claim to belong to Him, but they put their own interpretation on His mandate to love and care about the world.

The goal in godliness is to give life at every turn. God is about Life. God is Love. The kind of love that produces and enhances life.

The wages of sin is death. All sin heads in death’s direction. That is why God opposes it.

The sin of greed leads to death because it is selfish. Greed is about gathering wealth. Life is about sharing, giving, helping, and loving. Love is about using wealth to spread life-giving truth and help.

Obama comprehends the sharing wealth part, but he does not have the freedom of choice part right. He wants to give people freedom to choose in places that infringe on another’s rights such as the unborn baby’s right to life or in the case of calling sin, sin--giving freedom to sin and forbidding those who know that it leads to death from having freedom of speech.

He want to take people’s wealth and spread it around the way he sees fit. The God kind of love wants to give people Jesus so that they will want to be generous with their wealth, but will also know how to use it wisely.

Yes, Love has a counterpart--her name is Wisdom. Jesus is the complete package. When He is living in your heart, you will want to give and share, but you will want to do it wisely, knowing that foolishness is another sin that lead to death.

So when love and wisdom are working together, they will truly be productive. It is robbery, another sin, to take people’s money and do what you want with it.

It is foolish to feed people’s bodies without feeding their minds with truths that will help them avoid bad choices and help them make good choices that will change their way of living for the better.

And those who are God-fearing know that it is foolish to feed just the body and the soul without feeding the spirit, because they know that a God-centered life is a life producing life. And they know that feeding the spirit is far greater than feeding the body and soul for eternal life is spiritual life. True Christians care about the hungry and have a deep desire to feed them, but they care even more about helping them receive eternal life. They will not do the one and leave the other undone.

Adultery and fornication of any kind is deadly. God, the giver of life, forbids all fornication because it leads to death. Sex was ordained by the life-giver to give life. Again Wisdom must have a say in the sexual relationship in order for it to produce life and not death.

Man’s kind of love often influences them to want to have sexual relations unwisely.

Wisdom says one life-time partner of the opposite sex in order to produce offspring.
Wisdom says the life-time partner must not be a close relative in order to avoid bad production.
Wisdom says no sex with anyone other than your life-time partner in order to avoid the problems that come with misusing what God has designed, to avoid hurting yourself and others, and to avoid contracting diseases from those who have misused God’s gift.

I hope this article makes the issue clearer. There is a right way and a wrong way to love, to give, and to help. This is why God went to such extreme measure to get His message in writing and get it to the people. Now the very ones who were privileged to have access to it have turned their back on it and said, we will decide what is good and what is bad and what is right and wrong.


© Sylvia Huffnagle

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