The Balance Series - Part one - Biblical Balance

Writer Author  Sylvia Huffnagle
Christian Article : Bible Teaching  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer In order to walk, little children must learn balance. We call it learning to walk, but it is more a case of learning balance. For the church, balance is of the utmost importance as she learns to walk in love.

If she just applies wisdom without love she will have safety, but she will be cold and indifferent--she will end up legalistic which is deadly. On the other hand, love applied to situations without wisdom is sloppy agape and it is just as deadly, because godly wisdom is the preservative. Love without instruction is without form. Wisdom without love is void. To walk in love we must have a balance of both.

The enemy of our souls is always trying to get us (the church) to go to the left or to the right off of God's Word, because God's Word is balanced. To have good balance all of the Bible must be taught and in the balance already there. In other words, one subject should not be emphasized over and above another subject unless it is written in that emphasis.

For example; Grace should not be more emphasized than obedience. Love should not be over emphasized and wisdom understated. The promises should not be over emphasized while abiding in Jesus is understated. For the promises are for those who abide in Jesus. Faith should not be emphasized above walking by the spirit, since there will never be good results without the two going hand in had.

We also need to balance the written word with the leading of the Spirit in order to walk in the God kind of love. For it is the Spirit that gives life to the written word--enables one to walk in wisdom and love, which is what the Bible teaches.

In order for the church to take the promise land she must emphasize the presence of the Lord, faith, and obedience to the word of God with equal importance. The Israelites could not enter the promise land without the presence of the Lord. (Exodus 33:14,15) They could not enter the Sabbath rest because of unbelief. (Hebrews 3:11-12) In balance, they couldn’t triumph over their enemies when there was sin in the camp. (Joshua 7:10-13)

When salvation is preached, one should emphasize the awesome grace of God, but in balance with man’s part which is to enter into Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection so that we can be new creatures in Jesus.

When Jesus said to the Jewish leaders in John 8:7, "Let him who is without sin among you cast the first stone", speaking of the woman caught in the very act of adultery, he was not making light of the law or the sin--he was walking in love and wisdom. Wisdom knows that the law is righteous and established to give life not death. But love wanted to give the woman another chance. Jesus knew that when the law was established, so were strict penalties decreed for the purpose of helping people be strong and resist temptation. But the woman brought to him was no more of a sinner than those who wanted him to sentence her to death. His answer was full of love and wisdom.

In Matthew 12:3,4, Jesus is not teaching us to make light of the law, he is operating in love and wisdom. He knew that God established the law to help man, not to destroy man. Just so, the showbread was to be kept holy to help man gain a concept of the holy, but when David and his men were in great need of sustenance, mercy took precedence over the teaching. The wisdom of God (which is full of love) would say, "If I deny David and his men this food in the name of keeping it sacred, will I be serving the law or breaking the law of love?" Therefore the Spirit behind the law rules over the law.

The balance of the Word is already in the Word. The church's balance is not a balance of some of God’s Word and some of the world. Christians should not be ashamed of any of the Word. As soon as the church tries to hide or ignore any part of God's written Word, she becomes unbalanced. The Word is our balance.

Parent/child relationships do not work very well if one party neglects their role obligations. Marriages are not very successful if only one party fulfills their role obligations. Government never works well without everyone doing their part to honor it. The Word of God will work well for the church when she honors all of it.

The New Testament is the Holy Spirit revelation of the law. We are new creatures in Jesus and we have God's laws written in our heart by the Holy Spirit. When we void any part of God's Word, we are thrown off balance. This is a call to receive the Word in the Spirit in which it was written.

Editor's Comment:

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