Points Of Light

Writer Author  Peggy Ann Kennedy
Christian Article : God  - Fiction  Yes

Christian Author Writer For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

I have imaginings of what life was like before I was born, although, it differs from the mormon view that says, “ everyone existed in heaven before born on earth. We have all existed eternally as ‘intellegences’ and were later born in heaven as spirit children of God and his wife. We later were born on earth as humans.” Utah Lighthouse™ Ministry, founded by Jerald and Sandra Tanner. I will be honest and tell you right off the bat that my imaginings are somewhat
pure fantasy.

My Imaginings go back only as far as the womb.

In the womb, when I was being formed I was surrounded or more engulfed in God’s pure creative Love Light. Yes, He did have a sort of blueprint for me because He had planed for me--I was in His imagination from the foundation of the earth. The womb was the drawing-board.

This was a special time when I had God all to myself. We laughed, and played together as we both made plans for my life.

God would speak to me in language and voice that only we could understand and as I grew He gave me some choice as to the (I suppose) demographics of my life-- This conversation went something like this,

“Peggy, it is almost time for us to separate. You will be going out to a place of your choice, I call them Countries, you must remember that no Country is better than the other, so where would you like to go?”

I said,

“I only want to be where you are!”

God smiled and said,

“ Then would you like to go to America or perhaps Australia?”

I asked God,

“Which one is better?”

God told me,

“Remember no Country is better than any other there are just more points of light in these two.”

I started getting upset and said,

“I don’t want to be anywhere but where you are, I don’t want to go to any Country, but if

I have to I suppose I will go to America.”

In a curious tone God asked, “Why?”

I said, “Because America is a funny but interesting name.” I had also felt that I somehow belonged there and I knew God understood this.

As the time grew closer for me to be born, God told me some of what life would be like,

“The world is a dark and cold place now because it has separated from me. There are things that will happen to you, you will also forget me...”


With a humble almost apologetic sadness God said,

“Yes, you will. As I was saying, there are dark, hard, cold things that will happen to you but I have given you a guide and these points of light will help for you to remember me. When you are in trouble seek and turn to them. I will also be with you but you must seek and find me because I cannot reach you after you have forgotten”

I began to tremble and said, “It sounds too scary, I am afraid--please I don’t want to go!

With this scream I felt pain and something slap me on the butt and as I wailed a voice came out of me crying, trying to make God listen. Then there were soft arms holding me as I looked up into my mom’s face and I forgot.

As I said before this is only pure fantasy-- but then again is it? Since there is no proof we are left to believe whichever is more plausible and as we are points of His Light--we must remember Him in everything and every circumstance so that in this darkened world that has on a large part forgotten Him we can remember and become true Points of Light.

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About the Writer Author
State: Wyoming
Country: United States
Email: pegkennedy1@mac.com
Profile:  Click here!

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