What the World Needs

Writer Author  Marsha Jordan
Christian Article : Encouragement  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer My grandson was here for five days, and I lived to tell about it. The husband and I spent much of that time trying to impress upon Cobi that a diet of just pickles and olives is not balanced or healthy. Yesterday, he had three huge pickles for lunch . . . and that was all. He really loves salt.

Almost everybody likes salt. It’s difficult to eliminate it from your diet when necessary. Without salt, everything tastes bland.

Life is pretty bland and tasteless too, without the "salt" of love. The Bible calls Christians the salt of the earth. Like salt, we should dive into the stew pot of the world and season it with the love of God.

I want to "walk in love," as the Bible says, but it’s hard. I hate to admit it, but I act rude, bossy, judgmental, and harsh. I get impatient with people and I want my own way. Let’s see, that would be called selfishness, wouldn’t it? Ow.

In order to be more loving and therefore more like God, I need to remind myself of His awesome, undeserved, and unconditional love. This makes me more willing to reach out to others in the same way and share His love with them.

God’s love flows freely to us, even though we don’t deserve it. Does love also flow, like salt from a shaker, from us to others? The world really needs it.

By the way, when Cobi learned that pickles don’t make muscles bigger, he decided that he wanted broccoli instead. As he ate it, I told him I could see his muscles growing. (Is it okay for grandmas to fib like that?)

Now I’m off to see what I can find for supper. I wonder if there are any pickles left?

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