I Am Chosen
Writer Author Tracy Finney
Christian Article
- Fiction No
“But then something happened! For it pleased God in his kindness to choose me and call me, even before I was born! What undeserved mercy!" Galatians 1:15 (NLT)
I’m not sure how I can struggle with a low esteem, when I have verses such as this one to remind me of who I am. Wow! God chose me and called me before I was born. His love and acceptance is unconditional; it is not based on anything I have ever done or will do.
I know the reason I struggle with low self esteem is just that- “self-esteem”- way too often I think of myself the way others see me and the way I see me. That’s why my esteem is low, I don’t think highly of myself, and it seems to me most other people don’t think too much of me either. But that’s where I go amiss.
As a child of the living God; one whom He chose before the beginning of time, I should have a “God-esteem.” God’s view of me is precious. He loves me when no one else does. He sees all my successes and He sees all my failures in the light of Christ’s blood. He’s never critical of who I am, He’s never hard on me when I fall short. He always loves me.
If you ever suffer with a low esteem, I promise you it is because of who you are allowing to fashion your worth. Remember this verse next time you get the lies coming into your thoughts; the lies like: you’re stupid, you’re fat, you’re a loser, or you can’t do it. Simply take those thoughts captive and bring them into subjection to God’s word. His word says “I chose you” “even before you were born”. God says we are a success, not because of who we are but because of who He is!
God Loves You!
Meditate on the things of God!
Tracy Finney
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