We Are the Church

Writer Author  Jason Kirk Bartley
Christian Poetry : Christian Living  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer

We are the Lord's hands,
pierced for our fall,
Christ's feet that were
nailed to the cross to save us all.

We're the Lord's cries that could
be heard in that still night air.
The one's of love that show that
He loves each one.

So many times we pass others by
without welcoming arms or a solemn embrace.
Our Lord had tears streaming down his face.
His sweat was as blood.

He hung in a slouch with
us on his mind.
Our King of all glory,
the victory he'd find.

How many pass by unwitnessed,
Headed for hell in the devil's game.
The Church remains silent.

Editor's Comment:

About the Writer Author
State: Ohio
Country: USA
Email: jaskirk@live.com
Profile:  Click here!

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