On My Own

Writer Author  Jason Kirk Bartley
Christian Poetry : Forgiveness  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer

I did the thinking,
it seemed so small, my God.
How big it became,
like Jonah and the whale
it engulfed me.
I kept working and working,
the hole kept getting
deeper and deeper.
Blaming everyone, but myself,
seemed a good choice at the time.
When it rains it pours.
It's when the raindrops pound
relentlessly upon your vulnerable
head that you know you've
made a mistake.
I knelt helplessly in my time of trial.
Lord, don't leave me stranded
in my time of need even though
I thought I could manage on my own.
Praying, asking, seeking, please.
Your soft hand reaches out to mine.
With your grace Divine.
How your mercy is there in my
time of need.
I'm taken captive by your love.
Your worthy of my praise.
Remind me of who I am.
Love you, Lord.

Editor's Comment:

About the Writer Author
State: Ohio
Country: USA
Email: jaskirk@live.com
Profile:  Click here!

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