God In the Valley

Writer Author  Jason Kirk Bartley
Christian Poetry : Encouragement  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer

One bright day I awakened, not feeling my best.
I wondered deep within, if this was some kind of test.
But, I dropped to my knees and prayed, and sent praises
from my heart.

He's still God in the valley,
when it feels like things are falling apart.
He knows what will happen way before us.
We need him as our guide.
Without him we are bust.

God in the valley,
It's this that I pray.
Give me the patience as an overcomer, let me lean upon your
mighty strength, and your understanding. You guide my way.
You lead, I'll follow.

God in the valley,
I see it so clear,
the top of the mountain,
my echoes I hear.
On the top of the mountain,
many blessings waiting for me,
From a loving God, who desires none to perish,
and wishes the best for you and me.

Love You, Lord.
God Bless You All.

Editor's Comment:

About the Writer Author
State: Ohio
Country: USA
Email: jaskirk@live.com
Profile:  Click here!

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