It Shall Pass

Writer Author  Jason Kirk Bartley
Christian Poetry : Overcoming Struggles  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Though as I stare outside the rain beats mercilessly
upon the windowsill,
Thunder cracks,
lightning strikes,
the wind grows stronger,
it's all uphill.
As I'm trapped in this box they call my home,
there's only one home for me,
The storm shall pass, my child.
You're never alone.
I love him with my whole heart tonight,
no matter what the enemy throws your way,
I plan to serve him everyday.

And though a thousand times I pray for sunshine,
you've allowed rain.
Your grace has never failed me,
Since I'm in your neverchanging hands.
My whole trust in you depends on staying
close to your side.
I realize I'm just a lamb.
The hungry wolves circle us.
I don't doubt for a second that my Savior will take me
safely to a safer place.
It shall pass, my child.
Though things seem wild and out of control.
The Lord has full hold.
It too shall pass.

As I take my final breath,
I know that as he did,
I've overcome the sting of death.
He says," Come home, my child, your work here is done."
I'll be taken up yonder to meet my Savior.
Praise God, Halleleujah!
I shall pass, through his heavenly gates.
I don't want to be late.
Won't it be worth it all.
Thank You, Jesus.

God Bless You All!!!!!!!!
Love You all.
Love You Lord!!!

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State: Ohio
Country: USA
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