My First Love

Writer Author  Wyn Barratt
Christian Poetry : Christianity  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer

You were my first love when I was so young
Led by my Mother whose faith was so strong.
I knew then, my sinfulness, my need of Your love
Heart bursting with gratitude for my Lord up above.

Oh what great deeds I purposed to do
Countries I would travel to and prove my love true
But You always took me in Your gentle hands
And whispered, ‘Take it slowly now, I’ll show you your land”.

I was impatient and ran here and there
Now is the time, I thought, no time to spare
But I needed Your training and purifying power
Not for me to say it was already my hour.

It took me a long time to learn the word, ‘wait’
Faith was the rock on which I must wait.
I was to realise how narrow the path
Just my obedience is all that You ask..

‘Love in’ and ‘love out’ is the life I have now
Your love poured out again; You plan just how.
Blessings unending surrounding my life
Angels from everywhere shining their light.

Kindness from strangers walking the second mile
Or someone’s soft touch and a ‘Jesus’ smile
You were my first love and my last love too
Oh how I long to come right home to You.

But I’m still on duty and Your servant, Lord
Here to do anything that’s Your will, my Lord
Strengthened, encouraged, my eyes on Your face
Living each day in the power of Your Grace.

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About the Writer Author
State: Coffs Harbour
Country: Australia
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