Life is Life

Writer Author  Evangelist Alice J. White
Christian Poetry : Life  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Life is sweet as it can be. You take the bitter with the sweet, life is grand as you can see; you take the bitter with the sweet. Life can be like a merry go-round, the faster you spin the faster you go. Life is fast, life is slow you are the one that control the flow.

Life is beautiful life is grand life is what you make of it. Your choice of life is beautiful as it can be. Life will spin you, life will thrill you, life will do, as you will. Life can be like a bowl of cherries life can be a bowl of sour grapes; Life is what you make of it.

Life is life and you will see, life is that for you and me. Spin the wheel, spin it not life will be or life will not. Life is high, life is low, and life to me is what you know.

Life can be sweet life can be bitter, it can be joy, it can be sad the decision is still left up to you and me. The choice of life is our decision; never go wrong it’s hard to do.

Spin that big wheel if you can, see how it roll and where it will end. No one knows where but it will end some where in the blue. Twist and turn the wheel will fall, but where it fall no one can tell. Roll to the left, roll to the right, what tell the future no one knows

Life is bendable, life can be straight, I don’t know what cause it will bring. Life has it own course we just have to Waite and see. Life is destiny for you and me!

"But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15)

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State: Oklahoma
Country: United States
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