Mountain View - A Heart for Ministry By Paula Friedrichsen

Writer Author  Church On The Mountain
Christian Column : Women in Ministry  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer “Oh that we might be fired with a loving ambition to be the disciple whom Jesus loved,
leaning on Jesus’ bosom!” ~ Charles Spurgeon

The women’s ministry team at our church is impassioned about the women we serve. We long to know the needs of our women! We need to know in what ways they are hurting. In what ways we can serve them, love them, and point them toward a deeper and more authentic walk with God. And at a recent staff meeting we were discussing the different ways we, as leaders, can intimately and thoroughly know the heartbeat of the women we minister to.

As we pondered these things, something occurred to us; the only way for us to deeply and thoroughly know the heartbeat of the women in our church is to draw near to them…close enough to feel their heartbeat, so to speak. And as we discussed this point further, we realized that the kind of “ministry leaders” who have the courage to draw close to others—loving them unconditionally—are the same leaders who have first drawn near to the Lord in their own lives. These are the kind of leaders who know the heartbeat of Jesus, and cherish His presence in their lives. They are the kind of leaders who walk with Him, talk with Him, and know Him intimately and deeply.

Since that staff meeting with our Women’s Ministries, I’ve been challenged in several ways. First and foremost I’ve been challenged to draw near to God in a more determined way. And as I have I’m reminded that He is so faithful, so forgiving, so exciting, and so exorbitantly GOOD! His presence and His word are captivating, and healing, and precious beyond all else! The more time I spend with Him, the more I want to spend with Him. And honestly, what can compete with that? Not much.

The other way I’ve been challenged is to love people more. While loving God is easy because He first loved me—loving people involves risk. And for anyone who’s ever been hurt by others (which would be all of us, right?) there is a temptation to put up a wall around our heart. We protect ourselves from getting hurt again by holding others at arms length. But, that’s no way to live. Especially for those called to any form of Christian ministry.

So, to the extent that I’ve allowed a wall to form around my heart—causing me to stay a safe distance from those I minister to—I’ve asked God to knock it down. I’m committed to knowing the heartbeat of the church as a result of my “proximity” to others, instead of standing a safe distance away and “guessing” what their needs and desires might be. Even if that means I’m close enough to get hurt. Even if it means I’m close enough to become offended, or worse, offend others. Why? Because I’m convinced that the best way to “give away” the amazing, thrilling, and audacious goodness of God is up close and personal.

Editor's Comment: Church on the Mountain is located in Crowley Lake: 760-935-4272

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State: California
Country: United States
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