The Youth Of Old Age

Writer Author  Cheryl Mariano
Christian Article : Devotionals  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Psalm 71:9 (KJV) Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth.

Victor Hugo said, "40 is the old age of youth and 50 is the youth of old age."

Our friend Juanita was well past 50!

Let me share with you how we met her.

We were early that very first Sunday morning my husband Marcelo and I walked into what would become our new church home.

Sitting on the back row in her wheel chair, an elderly woman excited to see us motioned for us to come near.

We went over and she proceeded to ask us a very important question.

"If you see two flies in the kitchen, how do you know which one is a cowboy? Smiling she answered, The one on the range!"

We found out her name was Juanita, she was in her eighties, and "nobody" got pass her without leaving with a smile on their face!

She lived with her daughter and her son in law, and arthritis prevented her from getting around.

Over the years we grew to love Juanita very much, and her and I became very close. Her joy, humor, and love for the Lord was contagious!

One day at a restaurant a server came bustling out of the kitchen, both hands carrying trays of food high above his head.

Juanita in her wheel chair stopped him and said, "Uh Oh sonny you left something there behind you."

He frantically tried to look behind him while still juggling the heavy trays. When he asked her what he had left behind Juanita said, "Your footsteps."

Physically Juanita couldn't do much but, from that wheelchair she moved mountains when she prayed!

Though she didn't have much financially, every year when our church held its "Penny Bucket" contest to help pay for children to go to summer camp, Juanita would bring her plastic baggies full of pennies. That was a big deal to her and it meant so much to her to be able to contribute.

Along with jokes and riddles Juanita would hand write scripture verses of encouragement, and pass them out to any and all who passed by her wheelchair on Sunday mornings.

Our God does not cast us off in our old age nor does He forsake us when our strength fails, and Juanita knew that. She didn't let financial or physical limitations dictate or restrict her from serving the Lord in any way that she could.

Towards the end of her earthly life, Juanita became bedridden and eventually went physically blind, but believe me, there was nothing wrong with her spiritual sight. Her outlook remained positive, her humor intact, and she continued being a prayer warrior.

When she passed away my husband and I attended her home going celebration and there wasn't a dry eye in the place.

Not because of sadness, we knew where she was. Many people shared how she had prayed for them and their families and the wonderful results they saw, then Juanita's daughter shared with us the crazy, hilarious, funny things, she had said and done throughout her life. We all couldn't help but have big belly laughs!

As we left the celebration service I was about to get into our car when I spotted on the ground next to me a spanking, new, shiny, penny!

It was as though Juanita had jokingly tossed it down from heaven. As I picked it up, I laughed, and then I blew her a kiss.

Prayer: Lord thank You that even during old age You have a purpose and plan for our lives, You never cast us away or forsake us. Amen and Hallelujah!


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Country: United States
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