Rest During the Storm

Writer Author  Brenda Dyck
Christian Article : Faith  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer The air was cold and windy, and it had begun to drizzle small bits of ice. The grayness of the skies seemed to be reflecting my somber spirit. With no destination in mind, I headed down the street, my feet feeling heavy and slow. The familiar surroundings held no comfort for me today.

After a time, my anxious thoughts formed words in a voice quivering and hushed. "God, we still haven't gotten the final word on what is causing our son to have pain in his leg. What if it is extremely serious?"

My wandering had led me to the grassy path beside the nearby pond. At the water's edge, a family of ducks dived for food. Ah, God's creation! Even on this cool night, it beckoned me to stop. Spying a spruce tree at the end of the path and welcoming the thought of shelter, I headed toward it.

Very shortly I noticed my pathway strewn with "evidences" of the fowl nearby. Annoyed, I thought, "What a shame I can't walk on a clear path." I still had a way to go before the shelter of the tree. Stopping, I considered the options. Should I continue down this infested path or turn back?

Chuckling, I mused, "You must be trying to teach me something here, Lord. Please show me what it is." Although the wind still howled around me, the soft whisper of my Lord was crystal clear. "Your life's path will always have the residue of a fallen world strewn along it. Right now don't let FEAR stop you. Stay focused on Me. I am your shelter."

My eyes focused on the welcoming tree once again and I stepped carefully toward it. Having successfully avoided the messes, I finally got to my destination and huddled beneath the sheltering branches. The family of ducks was now swimming together to the opposite side of the pond, climbing into the reeds for shelter. As I reflected on the ducks now sheltered in the reeds, God's voice breathed new peace to my soul as He reminded me of His words in Psalm 91. "Those who LIVE in the shelter of the Most High WILL find REST in the shadow of the Almighty."

As I meditated on the reality of those words, my fearful thoughts ebbed into divine peace and rest. Eventually I eased my way out from beneath the tree and headed home, knowing that despite the storms of uncertainty around us, we'd be okay. The Most High was our shelter and He was the giver of divine rest!

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Country: Canada
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