Delight Yourself In The Lord

Writer Author  Karla Hogan
Christian Article : Inspirational  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer “Depth”… it’s kind of a funny word. Doesn’t really roll right off the tongue. And as far as the definition — well, what exactly does it mean? I looked up ”depth” in the dictionary, and it was defined as “deepness; distance measured downward, inward or backward; intensity.” All three of those are good definitions, and can even conjure up a mental picture. But none of them really touches the true meaning of “depth” when it refers to our relationship with God.

God has been dealing directly with my heart these past few months about my relationship with Him, teaching me the pure and simple truth that it’s more about Him, and less about me. As long as I keep it about me, the depth is very shallow.

This is a humbling reality, and yet a great stepping stone! He has the best plan; I don’t! Each time I step out in faith, believing Him, that deepens our relationship! There is such a difference between believing in God and just believing God!! And once we truly believe Him, the definition of “depth” is boundless!

Psalm 37:4-6 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” Wow! What a great word picture! When we dedicate ourselves to knowing Him — increasing the depth of our relationship with Him — by trusting in Him and committing our way to Him, He will make our righteousness shine like the dawn!! I desire to be righteous in His sight, don’t you? It would be even more wonderful to have that righteousness shine like the dawn!!!

My responsibility is to delight in Him and to trust Him. That always sounds easier than it ends up being, but I’ve found the key — staying in His Word! How many times have we heard that? Probably many, many times, and its frustrating to think that this might be one of our weaknesses. Let’s not forget, though, that in our weakness, He is strong!!

So, if spending time with Him and in His Word is difficult, pray and ask Him to help you desire that time, and to MAKE that time a part of your day! As a dear sister in Christ told me, “Karla, if you ask Him, He’ll do it!!” And He did!!! My desire was to know Him more deeply, and He has been more than faithful in leading me toward that depth!

Remember, it is that initial act of asking Him, and then following through with daily time with Him, that leads to the first “shovel” of dirt coming out of our lives, making room for a deepening relationship with God! We have to be sure to fill that new space with God, though, so that nothing else creeps in! And on those days when we are stretched to our limits and truly might question how we can continue on, or wonder how deep our relationship with the Lord really is, He lovingly reminds us that He hasn’t gone anywhere, and gently leads us back to His word. Once there, we rediscover the key to the depth we desire in our relationship with Him.

I’m completely sure we’ll never know the true depth of God’s love for us, or the potential depth of our love for Him. I do know, though, that He desires to know us intimately. And once we truly let ourselves be loved by Him through His Word, prayer and fellowship, we won’t even recognize the condition of our heart. The depth of our relationship with Him will be unbelievable! It just kind of grows on ya!!

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