The Sower and The Seed

Writer Author  Josprel (Joseph Perrello)
Christian Poetry : Evangelism  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer A sower sowed a seed one day,
Along life's road, a weary way,
The seed of hope, of God's deep love,
Of unseen things, of Christ above,
Of Christ's salvation, strong and true,
His sacrifice for me and you,
This seed was sown one happy day,
The sower sowed, then went his way.

A sower sowed a seed one day,
He sowed the seed, but did not stay,
The seed did grow, not strong and true,
It with no food, could not renew,
The strength consumed to fight the weed,
No man was there to see its need,
A sower sowed a seed one day,
He sowed the seed, but did not stay.

A sower sowed a seed one day,
He sowed the seed, but did not pray,
The seed, it grew, but sad to say,
Was choked by weeds, what great dismay!
Know sowers all, that we must pray,
For all the seeds we sow each day,
Those sowers true who cannot stay,
Are yet responsible to pray.

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State: New York
Country: United States
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