Praying Through the Job Times

Writer Author  Derek Dill
Christian Article : Encouragement  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Lord,

I am having tough times in my life right now. I have come to realize that there are good seasons and bad seasons in the Christian life, and I happen to be traveling through a bad season. I am concerned about my situation, but not overly so. I know that You are with me and will see me through this.

Father, before I became your child and the troubles would come, I felt a weight that bore on my shoulders like an elephant. Now, that weight is gone. You lifted it off of me by your saving grace and I thank You for it. Now when the hard times hit, it's just something in the back of my mind that I know You will see me through. It doesn't consume me as it once would have, and I also thank You for that.

I trust in You and You alone to work things out for my good. I know that You, Lord, want no harm to come to me. You will protect me as I stumble through this life. I thank You and praise Your name for caring for someone so insignificant to this world, as I.

Father, I pray that You will help me to learn to cooperate with You in the work You are doing in my life. Teach me to not mess things up, but instead enhance Your work. I know You have great plans for me. Thank You for all You have done and will do in my life. In Jesus name. Amen.

- This prayer was inspired by the Book of Job. All that Job went through and the faith in God that he demonstrated inspires me to always remember that no matter how tough life may get, God has His hand on it and He will see me through. If I can maintain a grain of Job's faith, there will never be any reason to worry. God is in control - of all things. Keep the faith.

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