What Piece Are You On The Chessboard?

Writer Author  Bro. Gary Bates
Christian Article : Prophetic  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer As I was in Church service the word of the Lord came to me. I had been questioning the Lord on several things concerning the Church His Body and Bride. Lately there has been a lot of transition going on. People are coming and going. Most have been very dissatisfied and most have been pointing the finger or to put it plainly, always blaming someone else for their dissatisfaction. And I must confess there may be truth in some of those reasons. But the Lord spoke this very clearly to me and I quote:

"It is my Spirit that is causing the dissatisfaction and the stirring among My people for I am moving and positioning people. Just as a master chess player not only looks to the move at hand, but each move has the future involved".

The present move affects the future. What we do now affects the future. If you play chess one is looking several moves ahead to determine how one makes the present move. It effects how and what piece one uses so one can reach their ultimate goal of checkmate, victory over their opponent. Each piece on the chessboard has a specific direction in which it can go. So just that alone will determine if and when a piece will be used to attack the opponent or the opposition's piece. The key word is the opponent, the opposition. We, the Body of Christ, are not the opposition. Although there are times when we act like we are each other opponents. So the Lord posed me with this question "What piece are you on the chess board?". I think this is a question He is asking all of us. If one can determine what kind of piece they are, or should I say if you can determine what you are called to, then you can determine how, where, and when you are going to be moved. By moving according to how you the chess piece was created to be moved, then you will have authority to be where you are placed or rightful positioning. The Master Chess player will position you according to "His good pleasure" and when He determines the direction, the place, and when you should move, then there is authority to overcome the opponent, or in our case the adversary, the one who opposes us, and his spirits of darkness.

Gary Bates

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Country: United States
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