His Promise

Writer Author  Nana Yaa Larbi
Christian Article : Other  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Teaching your grandmother to suck eggs was a phrase I found so amusing as a child because of the images I had of it. My Scottish teacher taught my class this phrase when I was a little girl in Ghana. The accurate explanation of it was not quite as interesting as the images it conjured.

In a way, that is how some of us treat the Bible even though it has been around for centuries. We think we can give better solutions than it offers and we put more faith in people than we do in what the Bible says. Yet, Jesus Himself said that heaven and earth will pass away but the Word of God is eternal (Luke21: 33).

Just like I used to imagine a grandmother sucking the contents of an egg through a tiny hole at the base of the egg, I sometimes imagine what it would be like to live in the day of Jesus and what day I would most remember of His earthly life. If I could choose one day of Jesus’ life, it would have to be the day of His resurrection. I would have asked Him to show Himself to the High Priest and Pharisees and Herod and Pontius Pilate and the Roman soldiers and all who had mocked Him before His crucifixion. I would have asked Him to shame them and to punish them.

I would have done that, but I am not Jesus and His death was not in vain. It was to give eternal life to each and everyone who accepts Him as Lord and Saviour. God’s kingdom is not about showing off; otherwise He would have done exactly what I have proposed above. His kingdom is one of love. Judgement will fall on those who reject Jesus as Lord but He was sent to deliver us, not to condemn us (John 3:17).

Jesus did reveal Himself to some people after His resurrection. They were his disciples, those who had followed Him faithfully for most of the time before they betrayed Him. He showed Himself to those who had believed in Him and His ministry and the women who had also ministered to Him, like Mary Magdalene. He showed Himself to those who were to preach His word and continue His ministry. He showed Himself to the believing.

The common adage is that seeing is believing and that is quite true of a lot of natural things. In God’s kingdom however, you often need to believe in His word in spite of your feelings and then you witness His presence and His promises. Your feelings are fickle and are no indicator whatsoever of what God has said in His Word. On some days, one wakes up feeling very happy and on other days very despondent, for no good reason.

Thank God that our feelings do not affect the integrity of His Word (Psalm 119 and Psalm 19:7-13), which has been around for generations and still offers comfort, joy, hope, peace, prosperity and all the things we yearn for as human beings. Only believe and you will experience the reality of His promises.

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About the Writer Author
State: Hayes Middlesex
Country: England
Email: nanayaa@larbi.com
Website: www.larbi.com
Profile:  Click here!

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