Christian Writer Author:
Pastor John McWilliams
United States
Pastor John McWilliams is an ordained Presbyterian minister and he and his wife Barbara served as pastor and wife of two Presbyterian Churches in the Northeast for 21 years before moving to Naples, Florida in 1998, when they felt called to step out of the local pastorate to go into mission work full time. They are both currently on staff full time with Campus Crusade for Christ in Russia. After nearly a decade of working with The New Life Bible College in Moscow to train pastors and Christian leaders, John is now focusing on various new opportunities in Ukraine and Moldova, both former Soviet Union countries. In a partnership with Equippers Network International, he is working with Kiev Theological Seminary, and other Bible Colleges, continuing the work of training nationals for Christian ministry.
John has taught various courses at the college in Moscow over the years as well as in other Bible Colleges of Campus Crusade located in Latin America. In the past 10 years John has made 16 international teaching/preaching and/or mission trips. Barb has gone on 4 of those trips, also taking an active role in teaching and ministering. He and Barb have led 3 mission teams to Russia to do various construction type projects there
John is also involved in an exciting new ministry in partnership with Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. This ministry is one in which John will be recording various seminars to train pastors and Christian leaders which will be uploaded to iTunesU and can then be downloaded free by pastors and others worldwide, who otherwise would never be able to afford such training. The seminars will first be done in English for pastors and Christians in countries like Kenya and India and other English speaking countries. Then the seminars will be translated into Russian, Spanish and as many other languages as feasible.
Part of his responsibilities also include leading various teaching and preaching weekends at Churches across the U.S. During these "Spiritual Growth Weekends" as they are called, he is usually the main speaker/preacher, teaching and preaching on various Christian topics which benefit the entire congregation. He is also available to come specifically to train and teach Elders, Deacons and Staff, assisting them to better fulfill their callings in ministry.
If you would like to have him speak at your Church you can contact him by email or call him at 239-353-5327. There are no fees or honorariums for his services.
I've Written . . .
Christians and Cussing!
Christian Article
Bible Teaching
Fiction: False
I could be wrong, and I’ve done nothing to scientifically research what I’m about to say. Yet, I’m very sure that more Christians in general and also many pastors I encounter these days, seem to be alright with openly using swear words in their conversations with folks when they feel like it. Moreover, it seems those same Christians also assume that others find no offense in their use of such lang
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Downward Mobility For Jesus!
Christian Article
Bible Teaching
Fiction: False
As I write this article, I am sure it will be very challenging to some who read it. Some may even become upset at what it suggests. If so, join the crowd, since I'm fairly sure that had I read an article like this 25 years ago, it would have likely ruffled my feathers a bit too. Yet getting our feathers ruffled spiritually, is downright Biblical. Just check out Deut. 32:11 where God compares Himse
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Getting Dressed For Church!
Christian Article
Bible Teaching
Fiction: False
It is interesting to see the types of clothes people wear in different situations. Over the years, clothing trends have changed dramatically at various times in our society. I recall for instance, seeing a picture of people around the 1920's attending a Major League baseball game. The crowd was virtually all men and just about every guy in the stands was dressed in a suit and tie. I find it diffic
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10 New Year's Resolutions For Christians
Christian Article
Fiction: False
1. Resolve To Pray One Hour A Day
Many Christians pray regularly, but never pray at least an hour a day. Jesus was disappointed with His disciples when they failed to be able to watch and pray with him for just one hour.
Praying for a total of one hour a day should be a goal for all Christians. Many people would say that they would never be able to come up with an hour´s worth of prayer each
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Once And For All!
Christian Article
Fiction: False
This article is a presentation of the issue, which over the years has come to be commonly called “The Doctrine of Separation of Church and State.” I put those words in quotation marks, because as such, they do not exist in The U. S. Constitution, in spite of the fact that many people would argue they do. Christians especially, can use this article to be better versed on this subject and be better
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A Trip From One World To Another For Christ!
Christian Missions
Mission Trips
Fiction: False
What follows below is my account of a trip in January to Panama for the purpose of training indigenousness Indian tribes in the Panamanian jungle. We held a three day conference in a jungle clearing for the purpose of training both clergy and laypeople in The Lord. We had wonderful times of teaching, preaching, prayer, Worship and fellowship.
I work full time with International Leadership Acade
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What The Harry Is Going On Here?
Christian Article
Bible Teaching
Fiction: False
Christians certainly should be well informed on things that are going on in the world around them. Currently, there is a great swirl of activity in both the secular and Christian worlds regarding the Harry Potter book series, as well as the new Harry Potter movie. On its opening weekend, this new movie grossed by far, more than any other movie in U. S. history.
My great grandmother used to have
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WorthFinding Designs by LaVella
Beauitful images of nature's best adorn these notecards. They are a great way to send a note of encouragement or thank-yous. Notecards may be personalized with your special message on all 4 sides! Add a scripture, an encouraging word or both! Designs and Images by, LaVella Kraft Design Challenged? No worries! I'll gladly design hats, t-shirts and more for you or your organized Special Event. Email me at for details!
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