Christian Writer Author:
Douglas Stambler
United States
Douglas Stambler
Pullman, WA
Note:This article was partially re-printed by:
Life-Net News & Radio - Covering Poverty Widely in a Net of Many Voices
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I've Written . . .
Jesus Christ:The Only Solution To Poverty
Christian Article
Overcoming Struggles
Fiction: False
It is two days after July 4th. I am sitting in a neighborhood park in Minneapolis, where The Gospel Light Baptist Church is having its annual picnic. It is a very small church, maybe forty-five people in all. And the pastors have the courage of Christ to open their doors to all who will enter. Saturday is another day in the lives of Minneapolis’ homeless: They wander the city looking for handouts
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WorthFinding Designs by LaVella
Beauitful images of nature's best adorn these notecards. They are a great way to send a note of encouragement or thank-yous. Notecards may be personalized with your special message on all 4 sides! Add a scripture, an encouraging word or both! Designs and Images by, LaVella Kraft Design Challenged? No worries! I'll gladly design hats, t-shirts and more for you or your organized Special Event. Email me at for details!
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