Christian Writer Author:
Staci Stallings
United States
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I've Written . . .
Abide In Me
Christian Article
Fiction: False
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you,
ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.”
John 15:7
Abide in me. The three words with which Jesus invited his disciples to place their faith in His love as they walked to the Garden of Gethsemane that last fateful night. He wasn’t just talking to the disciples though. No, He was talking to us, too. And these three simple words, if
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WorthFinding Designs by LaVella
Beauitful images of nature's best adorn these notecards. They are a great way to send a note of encouragement or thank-yous. Notecards may be personalized with your special message on all 4 sides! Add a scripture, an encouraging word or both! Designs and Images by, LaVella Kraft Design Challenged? No worries! I'll gladly design hats, t-shirts and more for you or your organized Special Event. Email me at for details!
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