Christian Book Excerpts
Chapter 6 - The Significance And Power of “Without Spot or Blemish"
Writer Author Celia Wilson
Type Christian Book Excerpt
Christian Living
Posted Thursday, January 13, 2011
Hebrew history teaches us when animals were sacrificed on Jehovah God’s altar they had to be free from spot or blemish to be acceptable to God. Similarly, Jesus had to come to earth in the form of a man to live a sinless life, in order that He might die, giving His life as a sacrifice without spot or blemish, for our sin. Remember, we learned that I Peter 1:18-19 informs us as follows, “But with t
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Excerpt From "Our Comfort Zone" - Compassion for a Saint
Writer Author Evangelist Alice J. White
Type Christian Book Excerpt
Christian Living
Posted Wednesday, August 11, 2010
One day I was sitting at a bus stop downtown. There were other people standing around but no one was sitting on the bench, which had space for about four. A man who supported himself on two crutches, and had the most terrible odor you could imagine, came over to the bench. He had sores all over his head, including his ears that were oozing a type of fluid I could not identify. The odor came from t
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Destined to Live, Despite Me- Biblical Truths for Suicide Survivors
Writer Author Yolanda Shanks
Type Christian Book Excerpt
Posted Thursday, July 15, 2010
According to published statistics by the CDC- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States it is estimated that 91 people will commit suicide this very day. This is equivalent to one successful suicide every 16 minutes. The CDC Summer of 2009 Statistics Publication article “Facts at a Glance” listed suicide as the eleventh leading cause of death, among Americans, the second lea
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Imitation of Truth
Writer Author Mary K. Zenon
Type Christian Book Excerpt
Posted Monday, April 20, 2009
“I should not imitate the hatred of Cain, the disobedience of Saul, the betrayal of Judas. But I should imitate the faithfulness of Joseph, the purity of Daniel and the wise affection of John. As a Christian, I have accepted the duty to act under the influence of good role models, not evil.”
—Warren E. Berkley
We imitate great men and great women not realizing that they are just ordinary pe
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Our Comfort Zone - Chapter 27 - Life Must Go On
Writer Author Evangelist Alice J. White
Type Christian Book Excerpt
Overcoming Struggles
Posted Tuesday, February 17, 2009
We can’t do anything about the past, but we can change the future. My biggest problem was that I did not know who Alice was or where was she going or what she would do when she got there. How could I love anyone if I didn’t know myself? I had a hunger in me that I could not satisfy and for a long time did not know I was searching after something only God could give. When I accepted Christ as my sa
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Out Of The Miry Clay
Writer Author Reverend Monita Dukhia
Type Christian Book Excerpt
Posted Monday, February 9, 2009
After Hitting Rock Bottom, Reverend Dukhia was Healed by Christ's Stripes
Overcoming adversity, betrayal, and abandonment through prayer and God’s love. Monita Dukhia pens an astounding testimony of Christ's love, mercy, grace, and healing power in her book titled “Out of the Miry Clay.” It is an effective manual for those in pursuit of peace where a person could overcome adver
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Vital Truth and Precepts
Writer Author Felix Amiri
Type Christian Book Excerpt
Bible Teaching
Posted Monday, January 19, 2009
Be inspired and strengthen your resolve to worship God. This is an invitation to everyone. As certainly as we are all within the universe and none of us can escape from it, the discussions in this book pertain to all of us. Perhaps you have asked, or have been asked some of the questions that are examined. Whether or not this is the case, there is no better time to
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Eye Witness (Book Three) - Rise Of The Apostle
Writer Author Robert James Luedke
Type Christian Book Excerpt
Posted Monday, August 4, 2008
"Don't believe everything you think"
How did Dr. Harper escape certain death? Who's really behind the numerous attempts on his life? Will he ever be able to share his amazing discovery of about the unknown Gospel, with the public? All of these questions and many more will be answered in this third and final chapter in the Eye Witness Saga. Plus...experience the unprecedented look at the transfo
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Eye Witness Sequel Tackles The Book Of Acts
Writer Author Robert James Luedke
Type Christian Book Excerpt
Posted Monday, August 4, 2008
Due to the successful debut of our first Christian graphic novel, (Eye Witness: A Fictional Tale of Absolute Truth), author/ illustrator Robert James Luedke is back at the drawing board, (literally), in production on the sequel, Eye Witness: Acts of the Spirit.
“We released the first book in August 2004, with little or no distribution in place and almost no money for marketing. All I knew was
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Guardian Angels - True Stories Of Answered Prayers
Writer Author Joan Wester Anderson
Type Christian Book Excerpt
Posted Tuesday, July 8, 2008
It was a hot July day in 2003, and Susan Archie was in her back yard, looking at the big tractor her husband used when he cut the lawn. He had always promised to teach her how to drive it, but with all the outside chores in their rural home in South Carolina, he hadn’t gotten around to it yet. Right now he was working in front, but the back lawn needed cutting, and the tractor didn’t look all that
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Featured Christian Books
Learn how to face your demons and know how to cast it out of your lives and move on, without fear or worry. With God there you will have the strength you need and will not stand alone. Our Comfort Zone, a self-help book that encourages the lost to have a will to live. Written by Alice J. White. Read Book Excerpt
Destined to Live, Despite Me is a powerful resource for those determined to live and find lasting joy and freedom through meaningful and deliberate living in Christ Jesus. Escape the shadows from your past and begin to build a new life according to God’s design today. Available at Anchor
Stubby's Destiny Now Available!
Author, Dixie Phillips
No More Gunk & OUCH! Sunburn
Author, Donna J Shepherd

A Guardian Angel Double Doozie - Two Books in one. Snappy rhymes along with the colorful and fun illustrations help children see the need to protect their skin in the sun. Sun Safety Tips in the back of the book reinforce the book's theme-- OUCH! Sunburn. In NO MORE GUNK! short playful rhymes and humorous illustrations help children learn in a fun way the importance of proper dental hygiene. Tooth Tips in the back of the book encourage children to take care of their teeth. Available at Amazon.
Guardian Angels - True Stories Of Answered Prayers - Author, Joan W Anderson
This book is #7 in what turned out to be a series! It came about because my little Christmas book, Angels We Have Heard on High went out of print. The editors at Loyola Press thought the book had more life left in it, (and should be available all year 'round) and asked if I could use those stories and add more to develop a new book. I always have angel stories, and so, a new book was born, this time with an emphasis on prayer---the different kinds and how important it is. Available at Amazon.
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